All Your Questions: Answered.

Have a question we haven’t answered?

1) How do I decide which video option is best for me?

Every couple learning to dance is different, that's a no brainer! That's why we have a variety of options (with the ability to mix and match between options) so that your dance learning experience is the best that it can be. You are ultimately in charge of deciding what works best for you, but here are some questions that might help guide your decision:

-  Do we learn better figuring things out on our own, or do we like to have feedback/guidance as we go?

- Are we able to be self-motivated enough to learn on our own without interacting with an instructor?

- Do our schedules allow setting up time with an instructor, or can we only accommodate time with each other?

For full details on each type of lesson we offer, start at our Tutorial Options Page.

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2) Who are the teachers?

Matthew Sove is Founder of Ballroom Dance Chicago and the Lead Wedding Dance Instructors behind First Dance Online. He and his team have worked with thousands of wedding couples preparing for their first dance and are excited to reach a wider audience through the web. You can read more about their backgrounds here

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3) Are you affiliated with a dance studio?

First Dance Online is based at Ballroom Dance Chicago (BDC), the highest-rated wedding dance studio in Chicago, IL. After serving wedding clients locally for over almost 15 years, BDC was expanded to include First Dance Online to assist wedding students all over the country. You can read more about our home base here

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4) Can we take a lesson in person?

If you're in the Chicago area, absolutely! If you're able to come to one of our two studios in Chicago, we'd be happy to work with you in-person. You can read more about our in-studio lessons by visiting our sister website Ballroom Dance Chicago. 

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5) How many video lessons do I need to take?

Each of our video tutorial plans comes with a set number of videos. Depending on which plan you choose, you will receive between 4 - 24 video tutorials. How many tutorials you need depends on the complexity you're aiming for (choreography takes more videos) and how quickly you pick up the material. 

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6) What can I expect to learn?

With each of our video plans, you can expect to learn a complete simple, tasteful first dance. Each plan includes instruction for basic steps, highlights and spins, and how to start and end the dance. 

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7) How do I receive the videos? 

For Recorded Tutorials, you'll gain online access through our website from the moment you sign up and for up to 90 days thereafter. 

For Personalized Tutorials, video links will be sent to your email address at the frequency of your choosing for the duration of your plan. 

For Live Streaming Tutorials, you'll schedule an appointment with your instructor and receive instructions about how to access the video call. 

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8) Will we communicate with an instructor?

Communicating with an instructor is included in all our out tutorial options; however, the recorded tutorials only include a 15 minute streaming conversation. Our Personalized Tutorials and Live Streaming Tutorials plans are based on interaction with an instructor. When you sign up for either, you'll receive a “welcome” document outlining how the process works, how to set up for lessons, and what the expectations are for communicating with your instructor.

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9) Can I change my plan once we've started?

Once you have purchased a recorded tutorial, we can switch you to Personalized or Live Streaming Tutorials if you choose to switch within 48 hours. If after 48 hours you’d like more personalized attention, we recommend that you add either the Personalized or Live Streaming Tutorials to your account.

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10) What if I can't learn from video?

Learning from video can definitely be a challenge! If you're having trouble, try these tips:

  • Watch each part (i.e. footwork/arms/lead/follow) first, without trying to mimic the movement, then rewind & try the movement with the video. Repeat as many times as necessary.

  • Focus on a very small part of the video by pausing after each concept. You're ready to move to the next thing when you can dance your part without the video playing with you.

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11) What is your refund/cancellation policy? 

We offer a full 100% satisfaction guarantee to for out recorded tutorials for the first 48 hours. We do not offer refunds after 48 hours.

We do not offer refunds for cancelled plans or cancelled video calls. 

To reschedule a video call appointment, we require at least 24 hours advance notice to avoid being charged for the changed appointment. 

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Ready to get started? Choose the tutorial option that  works best for you: